Persuasion (Norton)

EAN: 9781324070740
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    DescriptionPersuasion (Norton)

    This Norton Critical Edition includes: The first edition text of the novel (dated 1818, but likely issued in late 1817), accompanied by Rae Greiner’s revised and expanded explanatory footnotes. The two canceled chapters that compose the original ending of Persuasion. A rich selection of background material—all but one item new to the Third Edition—centering on the British navy, slavery, and colonialism as well as Persuasion’s initial reception.

    Fourteen critical essays—all new to the Third Edition—centering on the novel’s major themes. A chronology of Austen’s life and work and a selected bibliography.

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    • EAN: 9781324070740
    • Author Jane Austen
    • Cover Paperback
    • Pages 368